Re: Hells Champions (HC) Vs Angels of Death (AoD)

Just woke up, logged in and read all this BS (and i don't mean Battle Ships!). So Rose made a unprofitable hit( def bashing)! She wasn't fully informed about the rules and since Voldemort (the Evil One with no life) totally def bashed her only for the sake of gaining the 100 mil td, she assumed it was within the rules to return the favor on another AoD member. Well, we spoke to her, Contruga even admits that the one hit is a def bash. Can you guys from AoD quit whining and start behaving like grown-ups? If we're man enough to admit a little mistake , i assume you know that the hit that Little Hiawatha executed on Rose was pure def bashing and are mature enough to admit that. Well, are you???? No....But Mr "I get respect, i don't need anybody,i'm freaking god here" keeps fcking whining! You know who respects you? It isn't respect ****,it's sucking up to you, is all they're doing. Sorry if i inconvenienced you....

As always...

MrSinister :twisted:
Walk with THA swagger!

Re: Hells Champions (HC) Vs Angels of Death (AoD)

contruga2 wrote:
Yuna wrote:Hmm, thought you said " no defense bashing" ... Weird enough, I see hits for less than 500k in resources, and no fleets down either .... :think:

I hate being petty but i havent smoked in about 15 hours and now i have the most arrogant player in the game telling me im complaining when i have said WE ACCEPTED YOU CRAP HIT then we did our own raids and got the score back, WE MADE 1 SMALL D/BASH BY ACCIDENT but it wont happen again YOUR HIT HAS NO PROFIT, but its fine, i also quote myself saying LETS STOP B1TCHING because this has gone on far to long, so logged, THERE IS QUOTE OF YUNA COMPLAINING, so dont sit there and say IM THE PLAYER THATS COMPLAINING, because REALLY!!?!?!?!?!

SO YES! lets have a war, lets have fun, lets NOT DEFENCE BASH, and also as part of the rules there are to be no mercs, and THE BASHING RULE DOESNT GET LIFTED. by god i really hope thats clear enough :pray:

That sure is a long story over there :lol:

Alive, or just breathing ?

Re: Hells Champions (HC) Vs Angels of Death (AoD)

MrSinister wrote:Just woke up, logged in and read all this BS (and i don't mean Battle Ships!). So Rose made a unprofitable hit( def bashing)! She wasn't fully informed about the rules and since Voldemort (the Evil One with no life) totally def bashed her only for the sake of gaining the 100 mil td, she assumed it was within the rules to return the favor on another AoD member. Well, we spoke to her, Contruga even admits that the one hit is a def bash. Can you guys from AoD quit whining and start behaving like grown-ups? If we're man enough to admit a little mistake , i assume you know that the hit that Little Hiawatha executed on Rose was pure def bashing and are mature enough to admit that. Well, are you???? No....But Mr "I get respect, i don't need anybody,i'm freaking god here" keeps fcking whining! You know who respects you? It isn't respect ****,it's sucking up to you, is all they're doing. Sorry if i inconvenienced you....

As always...

MrSinister :twisted:

Now, now, Sinister, this isn't a flamming topic, as far as I remember :naughty:

Alive, or just breathing ?

Re: Hells Champions (HC) Vs Angels of Death (AoD)

If those last 3 hits made upon WeleD were made 5 hours ago, then you might as well not count them, as WeleD has been kicked out 5 hours ago. However, if they were made before, then you can let them there. Either case, I ( or we ), need the battle reports, if you don't mind, please :)

Alive, or just breathing ?

Re: Hells Champions (HC) Vs Angels of Death (AoD)

Just come on to find alot of circs,
WeleD has been kicked from AoD...
Jackal's post saying how he hit weleD was 6hours before Sin recieved a PM saying about the kick.
moment we found he was kicked the CR's were posted to show they have already been done.

As i understand jackal doesnt keep his CR's, as such we cant give a time to when they happened, neither can you post the exact time of kicking someone, Therefore i suggest (if mod action cant be taken to verify the time of kick and time of attacks) that if you are to kick any members you post about it imidiately on the forums so we know imidiately that any more hits dont count on the offchance we dont see the missing tag, and so that we can post all hits on said member imidiately to show how they were before the kick.

If mods can check and we find 1 or 2 of the hits were after kick then of course they will be removed, if it cannot be verified then the CR's shall remain on acount that the kicking of the player was badly handled, and the given excuse that he is inactive even though he was online yesterday (to report the hits that logged pm'd me about where i then informed him we were at war) and to move fleet around, so again i ask, if you kick members to avoid TD, at least inform us straight away so we dont have any issues like this again in the future.

Any issues please talk to a mod, im stating my views on how i see the fairest way is, as it was poorly handled, so please dont flame, if there is an issue talk to a mod and have them post their verdict on what is to be done on account of not being able to prove the hits/time of kick.


Re: Hells Champions (HC) Vs Angels of Death (AoD)

Good people of AoD, I don't believe we need to accept your kicking of WeleD out of alliance because when we started he was in AoD. We also assume he will be back in AoD after end of war. He is not inactive, only playing as miner.

You simply admit you are weak with such pathetic tricks. Then we hear about your inactivity problems as if we care about them. We all have our rl issues.

Re: Hells Champions (HC) Vs Angels of Death (AoD)

melkor wrote:Good people of AoD, I don't believe we need to accept your kicking of WeleD out of alliance because when we started he was in AoD. We also assume he will be back in AoD after end of war. He is not inactive, only playing as miner.

You simply admit you are weak with such pathetic tricks. Then we hear about your inactivity problems as if we care about them. We all have our rl issues.

Oh my, oh my .... Such big words ... However, we didn't kick out WeleD to avoid TD, as many others can take attacks easily as well, we did it due to his inactivity ( and yes, contruga, he was inactive, unless you got a spy infiltrated within AoD ). And I don't agree with you, melkor, WeleD has already blown his second chance to return to AoD.
Contruga, as your friend, melkor, has noticed, I just came back to PC, therefor, I didn't knew that WeleD has been kicked out from the alliance, logged has notified me a few mins ago. So, melkor, stop b!tching around, will ya ? For Heaven's sake, don't act like you're some kind of God :roll:

Alive, or just breathing ?

Re: Hells Champions (HC) Vs Angels of Death (AoD)

Wele'd had fleet movements yesterday, dont need a spy in AoD to see him moving things round while spying.
but isnt a problem either way, i assume by that being your only response means you accept the keeping hits unless proven otherwise? (i understand its easier if we had cr's but we cant help that :/ )

Re: Hells Champions (HC) Vs Angels of Death (AoD)

contruga2 wrote:Wele'd had fleet movements yesterday, dont need a spy in AoD to see him moving things round while spying.
but isnt a problem either way, i assume by that being your only response means you accept the keeping hits unless proven otherwise? (i understand its easier if we had cr's but we cant help that :/ )

Dunno about any fleet movements, as he was inactive for already 4 days, in case you needed to know. And yes, in case the hits were made BEFORE kicking him out of the alliance, then they should be kept, but, if they were made AFTER his kicking, then I believe we both agree to erase them. Correct me if I'm wrong.

Alive, or just breathing ?