Re: Hells Champions (HC) Vs Angels of Death (AoD)

Well, as far as I can recall, the rules say that the defense bashing will be lifted in 24 hours, right ? Therefor, we can do as many hits as we want, regarding profit or not. So far, that's the only thing I've been seeing coming from HC :snooty:

Alive, or just breathing ?

Re: Hells Champions (HC) Vs Angels of Death (AoD)

SilverFox31990 wrote:I didn't see the no defense bashing rule as I log onto ZE with 100+ circulars a day. That was my bad. If you think you can get a hit, well all is fair as you say. :shock:

4. Bashing
It is not allowed to attack any given planet or moon owned by a player over 5 times in a single 24 hours period.

Bashing is only allowed when your Alliance is at war with another Alliance.
The War must be announced on the official Zorg Empire Forums, under Alliances thread.

Note: Attacking fleets that are completely destroyed and Interplanetary missile attacks do not count towards the bashing rule. Moon destruction missions do count towards the bashing rules.

As a reminder :)

Alive, or just breathing ?

Re: Hells Champions (HC) Vs Angels of Death (AoD)

SilverFox31990 wrote:That's funny. I don't remember hitting the same planet five times in 24 hours. I might have hit the same player 5 times but not the same planet.

Never said you did, what YOU did, was less than 500k hits :naughty: Oh well, enough talking :hand:

Alive, or just breathing ?

Re: Hells Champions (HC) Vs Angels of Death (AoD)

Enough with the b1tching already. Yuna we have a nice shiny gold medal for top raiders, those are profitable hits if you do enough of them, im actually helping you here, you dont see how they are profit, but then you're alliance isnt gold in raiding this last week. so i think that proves it works.
if you want to discus hits discuss this

Attacker Loss: 680.000 Defender Loss:133.238.550
winnings Metal:209.146 Crystal:75.470 Deuterium:56.755
Debris Metal:687.630 Crystal:1.438.800

contruga2 wrote:
logged wrote:i send 11k 700k deuterium spend it over 2 million resources gained so where is the defense bashing ...
700K duet=2.8million metal, you also had 680K loss (assuming all crystal as it was in esp probes)= 1.36mil loss +launch= 4.16million loss. with over 2 mill res gaind you lost between 1.16mil-2.16mil. you asked where defence bashing there is the maths.

As a final note, i asked there be no defence bashing and only profit hits. it was for that reason that i didnt post bashing rule lifted in 24hours. Because i was laying down the rule of no bashing. thought i'd clarify this before any of you break the rules as we have jsut past 24 hours.

Re: Hells Champions (HC) Vs Angels of Death (AoD)

Contruga you are the player who is complaining here not us we just defend our selfs against your accuse it is the war rule that the bash rule lift in 24 hours you started this war not us so let';s have the war not comments on the forum ok? c;mon and about the gold medal don;t be so happy that you won the gold metal we won it for 8 weeks in a row and now your alliance won it because 4-5 fleeters made score points for the alliance in AoD just 2 or 3 maybe make score points in attacker of the week so congratz for the medals but this is one time thing this week it will be back ours and check my hits against a lot of players to see there attack with profit like against companyman, rocketviking and more and more let;s have our fun and war and stop being so cowards and complain on the forum just let the war go it is war no? not a barbie game ....i am not arrogant i am not evil or other things i am sick of that i want to see the war and not the comments ok?....have a nice day and see ya in the game.....let''s the best alliance win this war or what is it ....
ING Names : logged

Feed me more!
Feed me more!
Feed me more!

Re: Hells Champions (HC) Vs Angels of Death (AoD)

Yuna wrote:Hmm, thought you said " no defense bashing" ... Weird enough, I see hits for less than 500k in resources, and no fleets down either .... :think:

I hate being petty but i havent smoked in about 15 hours and now i have the most arrogant player in the game telling me im complaining when i have said WE ACCEPTED YOU CRAP HIT then we did our own raids and got the score back, WE MADE 1 SMALL D/BASH BY ACCIDENT but it wont happen again YOUR HIT HAS NO PROFIT, but its fine, i also quote myself saying LETS STOP B1TCHING because this has gone on far to long, so logged, THERE IS QUOTE OF YUNA COMPLAINING, so dont sit there and say IM THE PLAYER THATS COMPLAINING, because REALLY!!?!?!?!?!

SO YES! lets have a war, lets have fun, lets NOT DEFENCE BASH, and also as part of the rules there are to be no mercs, and THE BASHING RULE DOESNT GET LIFTED. by god i really hope thats clear enough :pray: