Re: Annoying esp. symbol

Check the new static one. The moving one was too dizzy indeed.

CapatinClusterDUCK wrote:OK, I have to agree that the new symbol is annoying, but it is not the real problem. Since adding the new symbol, they also made a very bad change to the game... Instead of simply hovering your mouse over a player's name (in the galaxy view) and a small pop-up window showing you their rank, etc., you now must click on each player's name and wait for (a slow) window to open that will give you the same info that you used to get simply by hovering your mouse.

I have already spent 4 times as long to do my daily scouting(probing) for viable targets, but I am only about 1/3 of the way done. :wall: PLEASE, I don't care if we go back to the old symbol or keep the new one, but go back to the old system for checking a player's rank in the galaxy view. :cry:

Well, the only info the old popup provided was the RANK. We could put the rank next to the name perhaps if it is that crucial.

EDIT: With the slight adjustment we did to profile page today, rank detection is easier (and faster).

Re: Annoying esp. symbol

Zorg wrote:EDIT: With the slight adjustment we did to profile page today, rank detection is easier (and faster).
But it is still slower than being able to just mouse over a player and see their rank. I know that I used that feature before every probe that I did. I do like all the extra info you can get from the profile however.

Also the frozen icon is way better thanks!
Those with nothing to loose have the most to gain. Long live the Miner!

Re: Annoying esp. symbol

As I said, we could put rank to be visible near name. However with the new way, instead of rank you can always check other important and crucial information about the emperor you are about to attack.

Personally, I think that the extra 1 second worths the trouble.

Re: Annoying esp. symbol

Zorg wrote:As I said, we could put rank to be visible near name. However with the new way, instead of rank you can always check other important and crucial information about the emperor you are about to attack.

Personally, I think that the extra 1 second worths the trouble.
I like the idea of putting the rank next to the name. Then I wouldn't even have to bother to mouse over the name. That makes me sound so lazy, probably because I am.
Those with nothing to loose have the most to gain. Long live the Miner!

Re: Annoying esp. symbol

Zorg wrote:As I said, we could put rank to be visible near name. However with the new way, instead of rank you can always check other important and crucial information about the emperor you are about to attack.

Personally, I think that the extra 1 second worths the trouble.

That would be just fine if it only took 1 second, (maybe it's just my connection) but it takes about 15-20 seconds to check rank on each system. Since I check about 300 systems per day and they probably average about 5 planets each, that would conservativly make 375 extra minutes extra to check ranks every time I am sending probes out(daily).

So, now my question is as follows: Do you really think that the extra amount of time WASTED per day on the new system is really worth it??? I don't...

*EDITED OUT: Please keep private your playing intentions; Threatening that you will leave if we do not implement what you want is not of our interest; We only implement what we think is best for the game and we are not making any favors for anyone. If your suggestion is worthy, it will be implemented (like it has been). Therefore, there is no need for any other means of extra persuasion; It does not work and it will only result in forum banishment after repeatition. I know you are a new member so it is logical you are unaware, so I am making this remark so you and the rest know where we stand. ~Zorg*